In the snatch, the lifter lifts the bar as high as possible and pulls themselves under it in a squat position, receiving the bar overhead with the arms straight, decreasing the necessary height of the bar, therefore increasing the amount of weight that the lifter may successfully lift.
Back squat
The back squat is where you have the barbell positioned on your back or on your traps to be accurate. You then proceed to squat down to below paralell (hip crease below knee) and stand back up.
Bar muscle up
The muscle-up is a movement that begins from the hang, passes through portions of a pull-up and a dip, then finishes in a supported position with arms extended.
Toes to bar -hanging from a pull up bar, bring your feet to touch the bar in between your hands. Your arm should stay locked out and both feet should make contact with the bar simultaneously.
kipping pull ups
A kipping pullup is when you use that momentum to create a “power swing” that drives your chin up and over the bar.
chest to bar pull ups -the standard is that the chest must come into contact with the bar at the top of the rep.
Hang snatch
The hang snatch is the same as the snatch but the starting position of the barbell is from the knee to the top of your hips. You then pull the barbell up to the fully extended catch position above your head.
Behind the neck jerk
where the barbell is on your back in the back squat position your grip should be in snatch grip and the jerk the weight above head dropping under the bar simultaneously
Power Clean
The power clean is one part of of the olympic lifts. Starts with the barbell on the floor and in one motion you proceed to pull the barbell to your chest with the elbows high catching the barbell in the receiving position.
rope climb
climb to the top of the rope using both legs and arms
Box jump
A movement where you jump with both feet and land on a box at a specific height controlling the landing.
Handstand press ups - is a type of push-up exercise where the body is positioned in a handstand.
Kip swings
Kip swing is similar to the toe to bar movement but you only drive into your shoulders and don't bring your legs past waist height.
Drop snatch balance
The drop snatch balanace is similar to the behind the neck jerk. The barbell starts on your back and you proceed to drop under the barbell to a full squat with the barbell simultaneouslygoing into the snatch receiving postion.
Overhead squat
Holding the barbell usually in the snatch grip fully extended above your head you proceed to go down into a full squat whilst holding the barbell in the above head position.