A strength bias session with both push + pull. An extra squat set in the end if you feel like squatting heavy.
A1) Single arm half kneeling DB press @15-20kg x8 each arm
A2) Strict pull ups x2-4 @5-15kg vest.
A3) 10 Strict TTB
A1) Build to a heavy single bench
4x10 @60% @ that weight
B1) 6x1 Back squat @85% of 1RM
A1) DB bench press x5 @25-35kg
A2) Pendlay rows x8 @70-90kg
A3) DB flys @7.5-12.5kg x8
B1) DB single arm row x6 each arm @25-35kg
B2) Strict HSPU x5-10
B3) barbell curls x10 @20kg