A session that will focus on the snatch and mainly the squat snatch, dropping under the bar at speed with control. Along side hitting some strict gymnastics and a tough complex on the pull-up bar to work on your kip. A functional body-building finisher to get that pump on.
10 scap pull ups
10 kip swings
5 muscle snatch @ empty barbell
5 strict behind the neck press @ empty barbell
15 hollow rocks
15 each arm high plank shoulder taps
3 Position squat snatch (high hip - below knee - floor) @ building
1 Behind neck jerk + 1 drop snatch balance
5 strict TTB
1 hang squat snatch + 1 full squat snatch @ building
2-5 strict pull ups or strict chest to bar
1 squat snatch
3-5 reps of pull up bar complex
complex: 1 TTB + 1 kipping pull ups + 1 bar muscle up
1 legless rope climb + 1 rope climb
5 right arm DB jerks + 5 DB rows @22.5/15kg
3 wall walks
10 standing barbell strict press @40/30kg
10 bent over row @40/30kg
3 strict HSPU + 3 HSPU