A snatch position session working on the squat snatch and handstand pressing strength. Then a fairly long piece with rings and skipping.
PVC pipe complex:
10 muscle snatch
10 OHS
10 Drop snatch balance
ROUND 1- 15 sec handstand hold
ROUND 2-15 sec handstand hold with hand lifts
ROUND 3- 15 sec handstand hold with shoulder taps
15 Hollow rocks
Build to a heavy complex:
1 snatch pull + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 drop snatch balance
* 3 strict HSPU after each set @ deficit if possible
Power snatch @ RX+ 60/40kg @ RX 50/35kg @ SCALED 40/30kg
* (every round) 25ft Handstand walk / 3 wall walks
Ring muscle ups / chest to ring
*50 double unders / 100 singles