climb to the top of the rope using both legs and arms
Press up
Get down on all fours, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Straighten your arms and legs. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor. Pause, then push yourself back up. Repeat.
Strict pull up
Using only your ams to pull yourself up to the bar. A full rep is when your chin is over the bar.
Handstand press ups - is a type of push-up exercise where the body is positioned in a handstand.
Bar muscle up
The muscle-up is a movement that begins from the hang, passes through portions of a pull-up and a dip, then finishes in a supported position with arms extended.
Start by holding your arms out in front of you, then stand on one leg with your free leg held straight out in front. Push your hips back and sit down as far as you can so that your butt is almost touching the ground. Push your hips back, lean forward slightly, and raise yourself back up to the starting position.
ring muscle ups
A ring muscle-up is an advanced bodyweight exercise performed on gymnastic rings. The exercise consists of three parts: a ring pull-up, a muscle-up transition, and a ring dip.
strict HSPU
Is performed in an handstand position against the wall, go down to the floor or pad where your head touches and push back up using only your arms.