Pressing complex + tough EMOM


A strength piece EMOM to start with strict, push presses and jerks then a hard EMOM with various different exercises building to a max minute on the last minute.

  • Be honest about the 3 different overhead movements. Make the strict 'strict' the push press with no knee re bend and the jerk can be split or power.
  • Pick the right calories on both the assault bike and ski.
  • Cap every minute other than the max minute at 0:50 seconds. On the max minute you are going as hard as possible.
  • Try and move smooth and efficient on all the non cardio movements.
Exercise Guide


Complete 1 Barbell complex:

2 Strict press + 2 Push press + 2 Push/split jerk @ building through the 10 minutes

5 min rest to set up for part 2


  1. 15/12 - cal assault bike
  2. 10 - Single arm DB hang clean + jerk @22.5/15kg
  3. 15 - AKBS @28/20kg
  4. MAX AMRAP Burpee TTB
  5. rest

2 min rest before starting part 3


  1. 15/12/9 cal ski
  2. 12 Single arm alt DB snatch 6/6 @22.5/15kg
  3. 10/6 chest to ring pull ups
  4. MAX AMRAP burpee box jump overs @24/20"
  5. rest

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Desktop version coming soon