jump with two feet onto a box and off the other side of the box turn round and come back over the box.
Burpee to target
Complete a chest to floor burpee jump up and jump to touch the bar or target on the wall etc.
Dumbell snatch
Holding the dumbell in 1 hand between your legs you take the dumbell in 1 fluid motion to a full lockout above your head for 1 rep completed. Alternate hand for the next rep.
sandbag cleans
The sandbag clean is an adaption of the Olympic lifting movement – the clean – to be done with a sandbag that consists of pulling a weight from the ground, with power and speed, transitioning into a semi-squatted position to catch the rising weight, and completing by standing with the weight resting at shoulder height.
Wall walks
Begin in a push-up position with your feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall while simultaneously walking your hands back towards the wall. Keep your core as tight as possible. ... Walk your hands away from the wall and your feet down the wall until you are back in the push-up position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.