A tough 2-part EMOM with a rest minute built in it has a max 40-second score for both parts with the lowest score from each of your rounds being your score it pays to be consistent.
This workout is all about pacing and pushing yourself to hit high numbers each round.
Don't sprint so hard you can't repeat that number or close to it each round.
Be efficient on the second minute of both parts. Good on the sandbag with quick singles and stay unbroken on the TTB.
Move smooth on the DB clean + jerks and try and save energy here.
Exercise Guide
18/15/12 cal assault bike
8 single arm DB clean + jerks @30/22.5/17.5kg
40 second MAX bar facing burpees
score is lowest number from your 4 rounds
6 min rest before starting part 2
15/12/10 cal ski
2 sandbag cleans @70/50kg + 8 TTB (unbroken)
40 second MAX bike erg CAL
score is your lowest number of cals from your 4 rounds
Taking the dumbell to your shoulder then in one motion snap the weight up to lockout jumping under the weight then stand up for 1 rep completed.
Bar facing burpees
Complete a chest to floor burpee facing the barbell. Jump up out of the burpee and then with two feet jump over the barbell or step if you can't jump.
sandbag cleans
The sandbag clean is an adaption of the Olympic lifting movement – the clean – to be done with a sandbag that consists of pulling a weight from the ground, with power and speed, transitioning into a semi-squatted position to catch the rising weight, and completing by standing with the weight resting at shoulder height.
Toes to bar -hanging from a pull up bar, bring your feet to touch the bar in between your hands. Your arm should stay locked out and both feet should make contact with the bar simultaneously.