Working on the snatch and good positions in the overhead position. A good finisher to get the heart rate up and work on gymnastics under fatigue.
A- Using a light barbell or a PVC pipe.
10 OHS
10 strict behind the neck press
10 sots press
B- 10 scap pull ups
5 strict TTB
C- 10 Hollow rocks
10 V-ups
3 position snatch = 1 high hang snatch + 1 below knee hang snatch + 1 full snatch
+ 2 Behind the neck jerks @ 60-70% 1RM
6 Goblet squats @heavy weight
strict C2B / pull ups 3-5 reps
Strict HSPU @at the most deficit for 3-5 reps
3 bar muscle ups / C2B / Kipping pull ups
6 Deadlifts @80/60kg
30 Double unders or 60 singles