American Kettlebell Swings. Taking the kettlebell in 2 hands pulling it between your legs and hinging your hips back you will extend at the hips and swing the kettlebell up towards you chest, you will then pull the kettlebell up towards your head turning the head of the KB upwards and extending above your head to full lockout for 1 rep completed.
rope climb
climb to the top of the rope using both legs and arms
Box jump overs
jump with two feet onto a box and off the other side of the box turn round and come back over the box.
Single arm DB snatch
Take the dumbell in one hand between your legs. Drive it up to your hips using you legs. Shrug the weight up and extend at the hips. Flick and snap the weight out over head to full lockout and return the dumbell back to the floor for one rep completed. Swap arms and do the same with the opposite arm.
sandbag cleans
The sandbag clean is an adaption of the Olympic lifting movement – the clean – to be done with a sandbag that consists of pulling a weight from the ground, with power and speed, transitioning into a semi-squatted position to catch the rising weight, and completing by standing with the weight resting at shoulder height.
GHD sit ups
Sit on the hamstring curl machine and place your feet under the foot holders. Step 2: Lean backwards and let your upper body go down as far as it can go. Step 3: Place your hands behind your head and using your core raise yourself back up. Step 4: Touch your toes with your hands. This completes one repetition.
Wall walks
Begin in a push-up position with your feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall while simultaneously walking your hands back towards the wall. Keep your core as tight as possible. ... Walk your hands away from the wall and your feet down the wall until you are back in the push-up position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
Goblet squat
Holding the dumbell in two hands at the chest with both hands under the top plate of the dumbell. Keeping your chest up squat down to full depth with your knee crease below your hip crease and stand back to full extension at the hips for 1 rep completed.t the
Dumbell cleans
Holding both dumbells deadlift them down to the floor touching both heads of the dumbells then clean them up to your shoulders in one motion.
strict HSPU
Is performed in an handstand position against the wall, go down to the floor or pad where your head touches and push back up using only your arms.