Same as the clean and the power jerk but you can also split jerk.
Bar muscle up
The muscle-up is a movement that begins from the hang, passes through portions of a pull-up and a dip, then finishes in a supported position with arms extended.
strict HSPU
Is performed in an handstand position against the wall, go down to the floor or pad where your head touches and push back up using only your arms.
Dumbell cleans
Holding both dumbells deadlift them down to the floor touching both heads of the dumbells then clean them up to your shoulders in one motion.
Hang squat clean
Stand the barbell up in a deadlift position. Keeping the barbell touching the legs slide the barbell down to the top of your knees then shrug the barbell up and drop under the barbell into a full squat catching the bar in the front rack position on the collar bone keeping the elbows high. Then stand up with the weight and finish the rep.