Front squat strength progression session 1


Starting with some front rack mobility and a good warm up. We then hit a 5x5 front squat for the day. Finishing with a gymnastics metcon

  • Make sure you take the time to be thorough on the warm up.
  • Get the front rack fully warmed up and work on the strict pull up.
  • Dont sacrifice good movement for more weight on the squat.
  • Use the most deficit you can on the strict HSPU.
  • Pick the correct exercises and reps on part 3.
Exercise Guide


1A.) PVC pipe

20 sec hold in the front rack stretch (look up on google.)

10 strict press (emphasis on full lockout and high elows)

10 front rack sots press

20 sec handstand hold

10 scap pull ups + 1-5 strict chest to bar / pull ups

B.) 10m KB single arm front rack hold walk (each arm) @20/16/12

10 KB reverse lunge

C.) 12/9 cal any bike

3 rounds for quality

E2MOM 10

5 rep Front squat for the day + 3-5 strict HSPU


3 squat cleans @70% of 1RM

3 ring muscle ups / 5 chest to rings

50ft (15m) Handstand walk

3 power jerk @same weight take the weight from the floor

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