A really tough workout to keep the pace and make the next round with enough in the tank to repeat the pace.
1-5 strict pull ups + burpee with no jump for the rest of the minute @ slow warm up pace
15/12 cal assault bike
5-10 HSPU
2 sandbag cleans @70/60/50/40kg
200m Run
2 sandbag cleans
5-10 HSPU
15/12 cal ski
5-10 TTB
8 single arm DB snatch @22.5/15kg
200m Run
8 single arm DB snatch @22.5/15kg
5-10 TTB
18/14 cal Row
5-10 Butterfly or kipping pull up's
12 wallballs @9/6kg
200m run
12 wallballs @9/6
5-10 Butterfly or kipping pull up's