Take the dumbell in one hand between your legs. Drive it up to your hips using you legs. Shrug the weight up and extend at the hips. Flick and snap the weight out over head to full lockout and return the dumbell back to the floor for one rep completed. Swap arms and do the same with the opposite arm.
Burpee over the bar
Complete your burpee chest to the floor parallel to the barbell. Then you jump with 2 feet over the barbell for 1 rep completed.
Wall Balls
Double unders
Place the jump rope for the exercise behind your heels. Hold both ends of the rope in your two hands. Stand in a ready-to-skip position. ... Now take the rope swiftly over your head towards your front. Jump and let the rope pass beneath you.
ring muscle ups
A ring muscle-up is an advanced bodyweight exercise performed on gymnastic rings. The exercise consists of three parts: a ring pull-up, a muscle-up transition, and a ring dip.
Chest to ring
Hanging on the rings push into your shoulders and keep your hips behind your body on the way back through on the kip you will pull up keeping your hands closer togther on the waay up and pull them into your chest. Tuck your knees up and on the way down stay in the hollow position driving back into your shoulders and repeating the movement again.
Burpee box get overs
Complete a chest to floor burpee a high box stand up out of the burpee placing both hands on the box and jumping off the the floor you are trying to get your knees to the box and then get over the box to the other side for 1 rep completed.
Clean + Jerk
Same as the clean and the power jerk but you can also split jerk.
Handstand press ups - is a type of push-up exercise where the body is positioned in a handstand.
D-ball cleans (to shoulder or over shoulder)
Bending down picking up the ball with two hands. Lift the ball to your knees push through the floor with your legs and extend the hips and pull the ball up to your shoulder or straight over your shoulder.
Reverse lunges
Holding dumbells a barbell or any weighted item you can perform the reverse lunge. Also can perform the movement body weight. Standing upright you take 1 leg back to a femur length distance. Going up onto your toes then dropping your knee down to the floor and bringing your leg back to standing for 1 rep completed.