A strength part with some paused back squats and some light barbell techniques. A nasty finisher with a grippy barbell complex 'macho man' and some gymnastics at fatigue.
10 scap pull ups
10 kip swings
10 (5EL) KB front rack reverse lunges @20/16/12kg
10 (5EA) half kneeling KB strict press @20/16/12kg
10-20 hollow rocks
Build up your Back squat and hand squat snatch to your starting 3 rep weights.
3 Back squat @ 3 sec pause in the bottom
3 Hang squat snatch @ 50-60% of 1RM squat snatch
3 Wall walk + 1 wall facing HSPU
= 3 power clean + 3 front squat + 3 STOH @60/40kg
3 Bar muscle ups / 3 C2B + 3 Hand release press ups
6 Burpee to target