chest to bar pull ups -the standard is that the chest must come into contact with the bar at the top of the rep.
kipping pull ups
A kipping pullup is when you use that momentum to create a “power swing” that drives your chin up and over the bar.
D-ball cleans (to shoulder or over shoulder)
Bending down picking up the ball with two hands. Lift the ball to your knees push through the floor with your legs and extend the hips and pull the ball up to your shoulder or straight over your shoulder.
Burpee box get overs
Complete a chest to floor burpee a high box stand up out of the burpee placing both hands on the box and jumping off the the floor you are trying to get your knees to the box and then get over the box to the other side for 1 rep completed.
Wall Balls
Clean + Jerk
Same as the clean and the power jerk but you can also split jerk.