The power clean is one part of of the olympic lifts. Starts with the barbell on the floor and in one motion you proceed to pull the barbell to your chest with the elbows high catching the barbell in the receiving position.
Wall Balls
Devil press
Choose two dumbbells with the same weight. Place the dumbbells on the ground in front of you so that the handles are set up lengthwise. Bend forward and reach down to grab the dumbbells with a neutral grip. Kick your legs back, lower your chest to the ground between the dumbbells. Push up, jump to your feet while still holding the dumbbells, then immediately swing the dumbbells above your head. Finish the movement with your arms locked out over head with knees, hips, shoulders, and arms fully extended.
Toes to bar -hanging from a pull up bar, bring your feet to touch the bar in between your hands. Your arm should stay locked out and both feet should make contact with the bar simultaneously.